Uddiyana Bandha Demystified: How to Lock Your Diaphragm 

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Uddiyana Bandha, also known as Diaphragm Lock, works to integrate emotions, pranic energy, and functions that occur above the diaphragm muscle with those below. By contracting your abdominal muscles and lifting the diaphragm, you send prana zooming up to your heart center and beyond. It’s like giving your energy a joyful ride on a cosmic elevator!

Knot of Vishnu:

Yogis believe that applying Uddiyana Bandha correctly over time can untie the Knot of Vishnu, the second granthi or psychic knot, located at the Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra). This zone includes the diaphragm, rib cage, heart, lungs, and thymus gland. Depending on which scripture you read, this knot is  at the Anahata Chakra or between the Third Chakra (Manipura Chakra) and Anahata Chakra. When this knot is tight, it’s full  of emotional attachments, limited compassion, and the desire to preserve traditions rigidly. When this knot is untied, you can enjoy the playfulness of life and the larger cosmic plan with a relaxed perspective. Once this granthi is transcended, you can recognize and access universal energy naturally, rather than relying on localized energy centers or outside sources.

Benefits of Uddiyana Bandha:

  • Physically, Diaphragm Lock:
    • Massages the intestines, heart muscle, and tones the abdominal organs.
    • Stimulates the function of the pancreas and liver, and strengthens the internal organs. 
    • Stimulates the digestive fire or agni.
    • Balances the adrenal glands, which removes lethargy and soothes anxiety and tension.
    • Improves blood circulation throughout the torso.
  • Energetically, Diaphragm Lock:
    • Opens the Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra), which results in increased kindness, compassion, and patience.
    • Unites the more reactive energies of the lower chakras with the more flexible, conscious energies of the upper chakras, integrating emotions and opening the central channel for the Kundalini to rise.

How to Practice Uddiyana Bandha:

Important: ONLY practice Uddiyana Bandha on an empty stomach and with all of the breath exhaled out. 

In a comfortable seated position:

  1. Take a deep inhale.
  2. Exhale and empty the lungs completely.
  3. Hold the breath out.
  4. Pull the diaphragm up, engaging the muscles of the mid-abdominal region to pull in and up. 
  5. Hold for 10-60 seconds without strain.
  6. To release the lock, relax the abdomen and inhale.


When starting this practice, some find it easier to isolate the muscles in a standing position. To try this, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend slightly forward, placing the hands on your knees. Make sure your spine is straight with your chest lifted slightly, and follow the steps above. 

When practicing Uddiyana Bandha correctly you may notice that a small indent forms at the base where the neck meets the center of the clavicle.

Contraindications of Uddiyana Bandha:

  • If you have colitis, stomach or intestinal ulcer, major abdominal problems, high blood pressure, heart disease or glaucoma, you should not perform this lock. 
  • Uddiyana Bandha is not to be practiced during pregnancy.  

If you have any of these conditions, please contact your doctor and ask if this practice is safe for you. 

Suggested Practices to Master Uddiyana Bandha:

Note: Only practice these exercises ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. 

Exercise 1:

  • Sit on the heels in Rock Pose (Vajrasana) with your hands on your knees. Open the knees slightly. 
  • Inhale and exhale completely, then hold the breath out. 
  • With the breath out, pull the Navel Point back and the diaphragm in and up. Lift the chest. Hold the breath out with the lock tightly applied for 10 to 30 seconds.
  • Then inhale and relax the belly.
  • Continue for 3 to 5 minutes.

Exercise 2:

  • Sit on the heels in Rock Pose (Vajrasana) with your hands on your knees. Open the knees slightly. 
  • Inhale and exhale completely, then hold the breath out and complete the following sequence:
  • Continue for 3 to 11 minutes.

Amrit Vela

Amrit Kaur Ramos is the founder of Areté and a Kundalini Yoga instructor with over 20 years of experience guiding students through the transformative practice of Kundalini Yoga. She is also a dedicated women’s circle leader, with over 10 years of experience creating sacred spaces for women to connect, heal, and empower each other. Amrit Kaur brings a wealth of wisdom and compassion to her teaching, inspiring others to awaken their true potential and live authentically.

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