The Power of Jalandhara Bandha: Balancing Energy and Emotions

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Jalandhara Bandha, also known as Neck Lock, regulates subtle movements in the upper body. It’s the most common of the four locks and is a staple in practices involving chanting, meditation and pranayama.

Knot of Shiva:

Yogis believe that when you apply Jalandhara Bandha consciously and correctly it helps untie the Knot of Shiva located at the Third Eye oint. This knot, once unraveled and energized, liberates you from the constraints of time and space. You associate yourself with the timelessness and non-duality of the soul and the Divine essence.

Benefits of Practicing Jalandhara Bandha:

  • Practiced correctly, it helps stabilize blood pressure, allowing the cerebrospinal fluid to flow freely to the brain.
  • This lock compresses the carotid sinuses, which regulate the circulatory and respiratory systems. Pressure on these sinuses decreases the heart rate and increases breath retention. This causes the mind to relax and relieves stress, anxiety, and anger. 
  • It develops meditative introversion and one-pointedness. The stimulus on the throat helps to balance thyroid function and regulate metabolism and blood pressure.

How to Practice Jalandhara Bandha:

This Bandha can be practiced with the breath held in (internal retention) or out (external retention).

In a comfortable seated position:

  • To release the lock, inhale or exhale slowly and bring the chin to its normal, level position.
  • Roll your shoulders back and down to lengthen the neck.
  • Lift your ribcage up, away from your pelvis, creating a gentle lift of the sternum. 
  • Tuck your chin, pulling it in and towards the back of your neck. 
  • Relax the muscles of your neck, throat, and face. 

Contraindications of Jalandhara Bandha:

  • If you have high intracranial pressure, vertigo, high blood pressure, or heart disease, this practice is not suggested. 
  • Refrain from practice if vertigo or dizziness arises when you apply the lock.

If you have any of these conditions, please contact your doctor and ask if this practice is safe for you. 

Suggested Practice to Master Jalandhara Bandha:

  • Sit in any comfortable position with the spine straight.
  • Inhale deeply and as you exhale, tuck your chin in and back towards your spine, without straining. At the same time, lift your sternum upward. 
  • Keep your head level and centered, not tilted forward or to either side. Do not force the head forward or down. This may result in a sore neck.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, feeling the stretch in the back of your neck. 
  • Release the lock as you inhale and repeat several times, gradually increasing the duration of the hold as you become more comfortable with the movement.
  • Practice 3-5 minutes.

Amrit Vela

Amrit Kaur Ramos is the founder of Areté and a Kundalini Yoga instructor with over 20 years of experience guiding students through the transformative practice of Kundalini Yoga. She is also a dedicated women’s circle leader, with over 10 years of experience creating sacred spaces for women to connect, heal, and empower each other. Amrit Kaur brings a wealth of wisdom and compassion to her teaching, inspiring others to awaken their true potential and live authentically.

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