Spiritual bodies, a journey of the soul in ten dimensions

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In the practice of Kundalini Yoga, we are familiar with the Ten Spiritual Bodies and their relationship to Tantric numerology. However, it may happen that we do not always understand the same thing or that it is your first time reading about this topic.

The Ten Spiritual Bodies are constitutive aspects that all human beings have. Just as we have two eyes, stomach, an intestine, we have a soul body, an arc line, a subtle body. Some of the names of the ten tools or qualities that we experience in our life.

To know about spiritual bodies is to have the information of a map, which represents these constitutive aspects. But how are they experienced? How do we recognize the different expanded or contracted qualities in ourselves? How do we develop or manage them?

The first element to identify the characteristics of the ten spiritual bodies is self-observation , through meditative practice, psychotherapy or whatever tool suits us best. The next element is the knowledge and information we receive from people who over time have studied, codified and shared their knowledge in relation to this system we call spiritual bodies. And finally there is the element of what we perceive individually through our own experience guided by intuition .

These three elements allow us to establish an interactive relationship with the spiritual bodies, and the language of numbers that give rise to Tantric Numerology.

Between theory and experience, we nourish and enrich ourselves so that this language guides us towards actions, relationships and decisions that are more conscious and connected to our essence.

A little about Tantric Numerology

Abstract Universe Image

Before we move on to spiritual bodies, let’s talk a little about Tantric numerology. There are numbers and there are spiritual bodies. Numbers are considered one of the universal languages , along with light , color , sound and geometry .

Numbers encompass everything. They express an order, a structure, a combination that transcends us as individuals, and at the same time includes us. They are not only used to calculate, but are capable of expressing much more than a simple quantity.

For Pythagoras, numbers were divine symbols of the order of the world and the key that helps us decipher the harmonious laws of the universe.

The numerological chart

This order of the world is individually reflected in what we call the numerological chart. A map that is formed with the date of birth, with five basic numbers, plus another thirteen numbers, which account for personal aspects.

When we know how to read and interpret the card we can see: peculiar characteristics, gifts, challenges, past experiences that are preventing development and growth, aspects of the present that we need to unlock or activate, relationships that are in conflict or imbalance… and much more.

It is so unique that even if two people were born on the same day, in the same year and the numbers in their chart are the same, the chart will be completely different. Because what we read in this personal map is related to what we have lived, with our experiences and achievements, with our upbringing and development environment, with our ability and dedication to overcome limitations and activate our gifts.

This personal design is not something fixed and immovable, even though the numbers of the date of birth are always the same. The chart is the drawing of energies that dance, that vary in intensity, combining the interaction of individual energies with those of the environment. I like to see it as a map of a territory that we travel through at different times of the year, at different times of your life. And even though the map is the same, you only know what the landscape is like as you travel through it. This is how the ten spiritual bodies express themselves in your life, when they are traveled through…

Yogi Bhajan taught Tantric numerology, along with Kundalini yoga in the early 1970s. This synergy has been and is powerful. It brings information in a simple and profound way, which allows us to understand abstract concepts in a very pragmatic way. Understanding how the intangible becomes visible in the tangible. Kundalini provides specific meditations and practices to balance or activate one of the spiritual bodies.

The Antar Jami system

My way of relating to the language of numbers and spiritual bodies is synthesized in a system called Antar Jami. A way in which I dialogue with bodies and numbers, numbers and bodies, in a fluid way and which I use to help people understand themselves a little better. I will share some of this system with you over the course of several installments here at Areté.

Twenty years ago I learned Tantric numerology with Gurudass Singh from the USA. In a first course, which was the great gateway to my approach to numerology, it was like a magic wand that awakened in me the relationship with this language. A relationship that always felt familiar and easy and simple to understand. Since then I have been doing personal consultations, giving courses, classes and workshops. Practicing, studying and teaching. My dialogue with numbers and bodies is present when I practice, read or study yogic philosophy, anatomy, biology, neuroscience, expressive movement, yoga… I would say in everything. And they always have something to teach me.

The decimal constitution

The 0 and the 1. The 1 and the 0

The first step will always be the first.

It is not important what day you were born to know “your” numbers, but knowing them will condition and limit you. Because, no matter when you were born, and just by having come into the world, you have 10 spiritual bodies, qualities and tools to develop the potential of the Soul.

These 10 spiritual bodies, according to the day you were born, are “organized” in a unique way, giving you particular challenges and gifts. Something like an individualized specification, so that you can focus on them with more detail and dedication.

A woman radiating energy

The 10 bodies are:

  • 1 Soul
  • 2 Negative Mind
  • 3 Positive Mind
  • 4 Neutral Mind
  • 5 Physical Body
  • 6 Arc Line
  • 7 Aura
  • 8 Pranic Body
  • 9 Subtle Body
  • 10 Radiant Body

1 as the only manifestation

One becomes two and two a thousand things

At the beginning of time, everything begins with unity. Not with the one that quantifies, but the ONE as the idea that the only thing that exists is unity and that there is nothing outside of unity, because everything is already contained there.

The Universe is mental vibrations. It is a creation of what we can call the ONE mind, the source, the great universal consciousness, the Absolute, which is in a state of perfection and balance, illuminated, integrated and complete. In that state, “the source can be compared to a librarian who has read absolutely all the books in his great library, but who has not experienced anything of what he read.” However, he has a restlessness, a gesture of wanting to experience, this is what produces the break in balance. The source leaves its state of perfection, causing an expansive pulse in nothingness. A spherical wave movement that spreads, the first sound being the original sound: the OM.

Once the source produces something new, it explores it until there is absolutely nothing left to learn, until it exhausts the possibility of a solution. This is a principle that is used in all things from here on out. It then propagates the sound until it has nothing more to learn from it and reaches its maximum processing capacity. This is a principle that the Source uses in all things from here on out. Expansion and contraction is the binary dynamic of all motion in the universe.

This exploration to learn and reach maximum processing capacity is what the Soul will ideally do in each of its incarnations.

The Soul is the number 1 that has the restlessness, the desire to experience and learn. To do this, it must spread its potential, its essence to its maximum reach. This movement is represented in the journey from 1 to 10, the radiant body.

10 is the number that represents completeness.

It is the Seiban of the mul mantra of the Sikh Dharma tradition that we sing in kundalini yoga.

There are 10 fingers and toes.

There are 10 Sefirot, the attributes and emanations, represented in the tree of life of the Kabbalah.

The 10 is the radiant body, representing commitment, excellence and greatness to live our own existence to its fullest potential and splendor. The 10 is a place of arrival, of what began in the 1, and at the same time it is a step towards a new beginning.

In 10, the 1 finds itself again in a global space. It is where two numbers appear for the first time and the 0 for the first time. The 1 is the body of the soul and the 0 is its radiance. The symbol of the circle: 0 and the line: 1.

In the decimal constitution we can consider 0 as the matrix, the maternal womb, a space closed in on itself, in which 1 is gestated. It is in 10 where 0 appears and represents everything and nothing, mystery, the unknown, the global, that which contains everything and everyone. That which has no beginning or end. This 0 has always been there, because we come from 0 and we return to 0.

0 is the potential where nothing is defined yet, but it is ready to become something. In order for the possibilities of that zero or circle to emerge, the circle must open. And in doing so it divides, separates… that is where the journey of manifestation begins.

“From a mathematical point of view, 0 is an interesting phenomenon. It is present in many numbers without even being pronounced. A million (1,000,000) consists of six zeros that are not named. Although it is worthless, it can make a number grow considerably. It turns 1 into 10, which is why it is ironically said that a 0 can multiply problems by 10. 0 can also be destructive, because everything multiplied by 0 becomes nothing (99 x 0 = 0). […] If we divide a number by 0, the result is infinity.” […] This may be where the phrase “the universe was created when God divided by zero” comes from. The symbolism and meaning of numbers, Hajo Banzhaf. Ed Edaf. 2007

We can consider that 0 to be ourselves, it is the unknown within us, it is the divinity that is experienced in its own creation through each living being. The way in which it will be expressed is in singularity, 1: a fractal of the unique principle, which experiences itself through what it has created.

Life is then a journey to discover the unknown within us. To discover the source in its individualized manifestation. The ONE mind, the creative source, GOD (God in English). Just as in Hindu cosmogony, the ONE is the Trinity. A generating principle, an organizing principle and a destructive principle.

It will be the personal experience through the 10 spiritual bodies, their nuances and the different aspects they represent, a tool that will allow us to reach the state of unity and fulfillment again.

In the next article I will share with you about 1 as the only manifestation.

And the individualized 1, which we call the soul body .

The Soul as a fractal of the Source making an experience in this body/mind unit. As a seed that contains nuclear , genetic, hereditary information, gifts, challenges, karmas and samskaras. Creating the program to execute in this life.

Don’t worry about where the path will lead you. Focus on the first step. It’s the hardest to take. Rumi

Pritam Bhagwati

I am Argentine and I live in Buenos Aires. I have been practicing Kundalini Yoga since 2003. For eight years I co-directed Casa de Luz, the first Argentine school dedicated exclusively to sharing and disseminating the teachings of Yogi Bhajan. In 2006 I learned Tantric Numerology, with Guru Dass Singh. Since then I do personal consultations, give courses and workshops. In 2013 I created my own system called Antar Jami, a way to relate to numbers from an intuitive space, for healing and self-knowledge. In 2008 I began practicing and organizing Sat Nam Rasayan courses with Guru Dev Singh, Ambrosio Espinosa and Sadhu Singh. I am a lead Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer. I have taught both kundalini and numerology in different cities in Argentina, in Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia, the United States and Switzerland. I am also a teacher of expression and body language and an Aura Soma therapist. And music lover. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/escuelapritambhagwati Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551780334119&ref=xav_ig_profile_web Website: https://pritambhagwati.com/

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