A Powerful, Complete Kundalini Yoga Practice
Sat Kriya is a foundational Kundalini Yoga practice, and is recommended every day. It works on physical, mental, and emotional levels, to promote overall well-being. It balances lower chakra energies, improving digestion and overcoming fears. Sat Kriya also strengthens the nervous system, calms emotions, and channels creative energy, toning the sexual system and promoting healthy sexual expression.
- Easy Pose can be used instead of Rock Pose, if needed.
- Pranam Mudra can be used instead of Kespana Mudra. (This is a variation for those who have not used drugs or have completed a detoxification process. This variation releases more energy than the traditional method, and it is generally not taught for safety reasons.)
- Pay attention to pulling your navel in, not to applying Mulabandha. Mulabandha happens automatically as a result of pulling your navel in. This focus prevents rotating or flexing the lower spine.
- The spine should remain straight, and the only movement of the arms is a slight up and down with each “SAT NAM”, because the chest rises and expands.
- Always remember to do a deep and prolonged relaxation after practice.
- An effective method is to do cycles of 3 minutes of kriya followed by 2 minutes of rest.
- Complete the session with a final relaxation of 15 to 20 minutes.
- Do not rush to reach 31 minutes. Respect the power of the technique and allow your body to prepare properly.
Common Mistakes:
- Using excessive force or holding tension in the lower body.
- Lifting the arms or shoulders excessively or tightening the diaphragm lock.
- Uneven rhythm or chanting speed.
- Lowering the vocal tone.
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