Learning Breath of Fire – Practice 2

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Once you’re able to sustain a rhythm during Breath of Fire, try this practice to get more experience and move toward effortlessly sustaining the breath while relaxing the rest of your body. If you want more details about Breath of Fire, read THIS ARTICLE.

George Sitting in Easy Posture and in Gyan Mudra

Posture & MudraSit straight in Easy Pose (Sukhasana) or another comfortable meditative posture, and place the hands in Prayer Pose (Pranam Mudra).

Breath: Begin by forcefully exhaling through the nose. Then relax the abdomen and let the air naturally come into the lungs. Start with a slow rhythm and slowly increase the pace as you feel comfortable. 

Eyes/Drishti: Close the eyelids 9/10ths and focus at the Third Eye Point (Ajna Chakra). 


Continue for 1-3 minutes.


  1. Inhale and hold the breath for 10 seconds. Exhale and relax. 
  2. Stay still and observe the natural flow of the breath and the constant stream of internal and external sensations for 3 minutes.
  3. Repeat this sequence 3-5 times.

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Feel free to share your experiences, as we learn the practices by embodying them. Please share your experiences when you practice this meditation regularly:

  • What does it feel like to you?
  • What changes did you notice in your life?
  • What results did you experience?

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