Kriya for Strengthening the Aura

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Illustration of George doing the Kriya for Strengthening the Aura featured image.

Energize and Protect

This invigorating sequence promotes overall well-being by boosting energy, strengthening the aura, and aiding digestion. With consistent practice, you can gradually increase the duration for a more intense workout. Aim for up to 7 ½ minutes per leg in Exercise 1 and 15 minutes each for Exercises 2 and 3, for a more intense workout.

Illustration of George doing the Kriya for Strengthening the Aura - Exercise 1

1. Triangle Push-Ups

Posture & MudraStand tall and hinge forward at the hips, coming into Triangle Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana). Extend your right leg straight back, without bending your knee. 

Movement & Breath: Exhale and bend your elbows, lowering your head toward the ground. Inhale and straighten your arms, returning to the starting position. Keep your whole body in a straight line as you move.

Duration: Continue these push-ups with powerful breathing for 1 ½ minutes with each leg extended.

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