Clearing Subconscious Programming

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June 4, 1990

All groups, cultures, and religions create subconscious programs within, with the sole purpose of survival. Often this programming gets projected onto others, as judgment, and if you cannot process these critical thoughts, they get stuffed back into the subconscious where they build up over a lifetime. What is stuck in the subconscious overflows into the mind, and these haunting thoughts control behavior; you are then not really yourself, but sets of programming, and this leads to pain, intolerance, and blind obedience.

This posture in the first exercise of this kriya makes the neck as solid and tight as possible, which changes the vibration of the upper body. This physical position helps you clean yourself of subconscious nonsense that cannot be accessed in any other way; it grants you independence from these systems.

It is recommended to eat papaya with a lot of lemon before practicing this meditation. This combination gives the body the ionic charge it needs to be able to unclog your subconscious.

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