April 8, 1990
This kriya is traditionally done one day before the Full Moon, for optimal healing. It reestablishes balance between your psyche and your electromagnetic field. Imbalance between these is said to be a source of subconscious insecurity, which controls behavior. Because this is operating on a subconscious level, you may be unaware of it and unable to examine it consciously, which can cause consequences. When you have cleared this insecurity, you will no longer fight, but willingly unfold into your own identity and grace.
This first exercise in this kriya uses the hands like two antenna, and the posture deeply challenges your electromagnetic field. You may find this very irritating and want to move your body or change position. Use all your strength to remain steady and go through this stage with self-control, so you can reset your nervous system and be prepared to heal yourself in the remaining two exercises.
This kriya requires you to have a friend to practice in Exercise 3.
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