Effects of Anjali/Pranam Mudra

Pranam Mudra, also known as Prayer Mudra or Anjali mudra, would be considered one of the oldest and most universal mudras. Since the beginning of time, people have put their palms and hands pressed together at their heart center. This mudra ties together the right and left sides of the body and the right and left brain hemispheres.

When we perform this mudra, our thumbs create some pressure on the sternum which turns on the conception and governing vessels, a central meridian that loops around and connects all the meridian systems. We believe that the pressure of the knuckles on the center of the sternum activates a type of mind nerve or focal point that supports your ability to meditate more deeply. Try it and tune into the feelings that you have as you press your hands together and press the thumbs against the sternum. What do you feel in this ancient position?

In ancient times people understood that the heart area was the “Brain” or center of human consciousness, even more so than your head and brain. As you practice this mudra, feel your thought processes centering into your heart area, so that you are connected to a part of yourself that is feeling centric and beyond the analytical mind.

How to do Pranam Mudra:

  1. Begin by pressing your palms together in front of your heart. Rest the outer thumbs on your sternum.
  2. Make sure that the bracelet lines of the wrist (where the palm and wrist join) are placed at the heart center. The fingers are at 90 degrees, pointing straight up under the bottom of the chin. 
  3. Apply an even and constant pressure on all 10 fingers and the palms as well as against the sternum (the breastbone).


Illustration of Pranam Mudra

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