Ang Sang
Wahe Guru
God is in every cell of my being
Ang is “a part”. Sang is “each” or “in each”. Wahe is “The indescribable ecstasy of infinite being”. Guru is “The wisdom that transforms mind, emotion and essence”. The complete phrase means, “The infinite being, God, is within me and vibrates in every molecule and cell of my being.”
This mantra expresses universal truth. Repeating it creates a thought, which gradually guides the psyche to adjust. It reconnects every projection of the psyche, every separate part of the body and synchronizes the finite sense to the Infinite Oneness. This act of uniting the separate parts is an essential act of healing. Under attack, under war, under the pressure of fear, this meditation keeps us united, aware and ready to act. It brings inner peace that comes from the touch of the spirit. Gurucharan Singh