Build Yourself to Act, Not React

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Illustration of Helen doing the Build Yourself to Act, Not React featured image

January 30, 1986

This kriya cultivates a more responsive and balanced approach to life. It creates internal space that helps you move from reactive behavior to more conscious, considered action.

Illustration of Helen doing the Build Yourself to Act, Not React - Exercise 1

1. Life Nerve Stretch

Posture & Mudra: Sit with your legs stretched straight out in front. Reach forward and grasp your toes or where you can reach, hinging from the hips and gently stretching your spine forward.

Movement & Breath: Inhale and lift your head up and back, arching and stretching your neck. Exhale and tuck your chin into your chest, while maintaining the spinal stretch.

Duration: Continue this rhythmic movement, inhaling the head up and exhaling down for 1 ½ minutes.

Important: Be careful not to over compress the vertebrae of your neck. Breathe rapidly and powerfully throughout.

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