July 8, 1987
We sometimes face situations in life that we cannot go around, over, underneath, or avoid in any way; the only thing we can do is face it head on and go straight through. This kriya is demanding, but builds incredible grit within you, that you can use to go through any challenge you must face.
While specific kriyas work and strengthen many body and energetic systems, each and every Kundalini Yoga kriya refines the nervous system or the main source of grit (courage, resolve, or the potential to withstand pressure and uncomfortable states). We may have huge muscles, but be unable to hold a posture for even 3 minutes, because the nervous system is weak. We may seem strong, but completely break down under stress; this is because the nervous system can’t handle the pressure. As you engage in the challenging postures of this set, allow your body to shake and stay with it; this eustress on your nervous system builds the incredible strength that we all need to confront life and its tests.
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