Kriya for Balancing the Chakras & Corresponding Organs

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Kriya for Balancing the Chakras & Corresponding Organs - Featured Image

July 17, 1984

This sequence is designed to stimulate your Navel Point, balance your chakras, and energize your body. It combines powerful breathing exercises with dynamic postures and mudras to awaken your core, strengthen your lungs, and keep you healthy.

Illustration of Helen doing Chair Pose

1. Chair Pose

Posture & MudraStand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Reach between the legs and around the outside of the ankles, placing your hands on top of your feet, keeping your back straight.

Breath: Breath of Fire

Eyes/DrishtiLift the head and keep your gaze forward.

Duration: Continue for 5 minutes.

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