July 30, 1975
For Inner Coolness
Sitali Pranayama, also known as the “cooling breath,” offers a refreshing technique to reduce internal and external heat. Imagine sipping in moisture-rich air – that’s exactly what this breath feels like! It cools down the body and mind, leaving you more balanced and invigorated.
In yoga, breathing through the nose is generally preferred as it warms the body and stimulates internal fire for transformation. However, Sitali Pranayama can be helpful when you overheat. Feeling your heart race or body temperature rise beyond comfort? Switch to Sitali Pranayama.
Sitali Pranayama is also a powerful tool for managing anger. Feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of losing control? Practice Sitali Pranayama for 3 minutes, followed by a cool glass of water. Observe the shift in your nervous system – frustration melting away into a calmer state. So next time you feel the heat rising within or around you, try Sitali Pranayama.
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, recognizes Sitali Pranayama as a way to soothe Pitta imbalances, often associated with feelings of anger and heat. This practice is also said to help with fatigue, bad breath, fevers, and even high blood pressure.
You can integrate this breathwork into your daily routine by doing 26 repetitions in the morning and evening. For a truly deep and transformative experience, aim for 108 repetitions.
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