
Saa Re Gaa Maa Paa Dhaa Nee,
Saa Taa Naa Maa Raa Maa Daa Saa,
Saa Se So Hung


Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Da Ni Sa: Musical scale
Sa Ta Na Ma: Birth, Life, Death, Rebirth; the Panj Shabad or the five primal sounds.
Ra: Sun
Ma: Moon
Da: Earth
Sa: Impersonal infinity
Sa Say: Totality of infinity
So: Personal sense of merging and identity
Jong: Infinite and real vibration (So Jong: I Am You)


This mantra is regularly used in Kauri Kriya, a meditation in which the mantra is chanted in an ascending musical scale. It aligns the chakras, raises the Kundalini, and activates healing energy.

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