
Raag aasaa mehela chauthaa So Purkh.
Ik ong kar sat gur parsaad.
So purakh niranjan har purakh niranjan har agmaa agam apaaraa.
Sabh dhi-aavaheh sabh dhi-aavahi tudh jee har sachay sirjanhaaraa.
Sabh jee-a tumaaray jee toon jee-aa kaa daataaraa.
Har dhi-aavaho santahuo jee sabh dookh visaaranhaaraa.
Har aapay thaakur har aapay sayvak jee ki-aa naanak jant vichaaraa.

Toon ghat ghat antar sarab nirantar jee har ayko purakh samaanaa.
Ik daatay ik bhaykhaaree jee sabh tayray choj vidaanaa.
Toon aapay daataa aapay bhugtaa jee ha-o tudh bin avar na jaanaa.
Toon paarbarahm bay-ant bay-ant jee tayray ki-aa gun aakh vakhaanaa.
Jo sayveh jo sayveh tudh jee jan naanak tinh kurbaanaa.

Har dhi-aavahi har dhi-aavahi tudh jee say jan jug meh sukh vaasee.
Say mukat say mukat bha-ay jinh har dhi-aa-i-aa jee tin tootee jam kee faasee.
Jin nirbha-o jinh har nirbha-o dhi-aa-i-aa jee-o tin kaa bha-o sabh gavaasee.
Jinh sayvi-aa jinh sayvi-aa mayraa har jee tay har har roop samaasee.
Say dhan say dhan jin har dhi-aa-i-aa jee jan naanak tin bal jaasee.

Tayree bhagat tayree bhagat bhandaar jee bharay bay-ant bay-antaa.
Tayray bhagat tayray bhagat salaahan tudh jee hari anik anayk anantaa.
Tayree anik tayree anik karahi har poojaa jee tap taapeh jaapeh bay-antaa.
Tayray anayk tayray anayk parheh baho simrit saasat jee kar kiri-aa khat karam karantaa.
Say bhagat say bhagat bhalay jan naanak jee jo bhaaveh mayray har bhagvantaa.

Toon aad purakh aprampar kartaa jee tudh jayvad avar na ko-ee.
Toon jug jug ayko sadaa sadaa toon ayko jee toon nihchal kartaa so-ee.
Tudh aapay bhaavai so-ee vartai jee toon aapay karahi so ho-ee.
Tudh aapay srist sabh upaa-ee jee tudh aapay siraj sabh go-ee.
Jan naanak gun gaavai kartay kay jee jo sabhsai kaa jaano-ee.


The Lord is immaculate; the Lord God is Immaculate. The Lord is unreachable, unfathomable, and incomprehensible. Everyone meditates, everyone meditates on You, oh beloved Lord, oh True Creator. All beings are Yours; You are the Giver of all beings. So meditate on the Lord, oh Saints; He is the One who removes all pain. The Lord Himself is the Master, and He Himself is His own servant. Oh Nanak, how insignificant are mortal beings!

You are completely penetrating within each and every heart; Oh Lord, You are the sole primordial being who permeates everything. Some are givers and others are beggars; All of this is Your wondrous play! You Yourself are the Giver, and You Yourself are the Enjoyer. I know no one else but You. You are the Supreme Lord God, Infinite and Eternal; What glorious praises of Yours should I speak and sing? To those who serve, to those who serve You, servant Nanak is a sacrifice.

Those who meditate on the Lord, those who meditate on You, oh beloved Lord, those humble beings dwell in peace in this world. They are liberated, they are liberated, they meditate on the Lord; the noose of Death has been cut for them. Those who meditate on the Fearless Lord, on the Lord without Fear, all their fears dissipate. Those who have served, those who have served my beloved Lord, are absorbed in the Being of the Lord, Jar, Jar. Blessed are they, blessed are those who have meditated on the dear Lord; servant Nanak is a sacrifice for them.

Devotion to You, devotion to You, is a treasure, overflowing, infinite and eternal. Your devotees, Your devotees praise You, oh beloved Lord, in many and diverse ways. For You, for many, for You, many perform worship and adorations; they practice penance and sing endlessly in meditation. For You, many: for You, many read the various Simritis and Shastras; they perform religious rituals and the six ceremonies. Those devotees, those devotees are good, oh servant Nanak, who please my Lord God!

You are the Primordial Being, the Incomparable Creator Lord; there is none other as great as You. You are the One, age after age; forever, You are one and the same. You are the Eternal and Immutable Creator. Whatever pleases You happens. Whatever You do, happens. You Yourself created the entire Universe, and having created it, You Yourself will destroy it all. Servant Nanak sings the Glorious Praises of the Creator, the Knower of all.


The Bani So Purkh creates a sacred space where grace prevails, allowing the greatness of the soul to manifest. It was written by Guru Ram Das, whose vibration exists to maintain a state of grace and love that heals all realms of the heart and Being. Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan taught that if a woman recites this bani 11 times a day for a man, it has the power to make him a saint and dissolve any negativity between them. He used to give this mantra as a sadhana to women for the men in their lives. So Purkh is part of Rehiras, the Sikh evening prayer.


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