
Dhan dhan Ram Das Gur
Llini siria tine savaria
Puri joi karamat
Ap sirallanajare dharia
Siki ate sangati
Parbram kar namasakaria
Atal Athajo atol tu
Tera ant na paravaria
Llini tu sevia bao kar
Se tud par utaria
Lab lob kam krod mojo
Mar kadhe tud saparvaria
Dhan so tera tan je
Sach tera peskaria
Nanak tu Lena tu je
Gur Amar tu vicharia
Gur dita ta man sadaria II 7 II


Praise to Ram Das Guru
To the One who created you, who established you
You are the miracle!
The Creator has installed you on a throne
Your Sikhs and all conscious people prostrate themselves before you
Because you manifest God
Thou art unalterable, unfathomable immeasurable
Thy limit cannot be perceived
Those who serve you with love are carried across the sea of existence
The five hindrances (greed, attachment, lust, anger, ego) cannot exist where thou art
The kingdom you rule is the true place
True is thy glory
Thou art Nanak, Angad and Amar Das the Guru
Oh, when I recognized you, my soul was comforted!


This Shabd extends to the realm of miracles. The impossible becomes possible. When life seems to be stagnant, praise the domain of Guru Ram Das, the realm of true Reality. It is the realm of the heart of the neutral mind, where all things become pure.



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