
Ajai, Alai, Abhai, Abai

Abhoo, Ajoo, Anaas, Akaas

Aganj, Abhanj, Alakkh, Abhakkh

Akaal, Dyaal, Alaykh, Abhaykh

Anaam, Akaam, Agaaha, Adhaaha

Anaathay, Pramaathay, Ajonee, Amonee

Na Raagay, Na Rangay, Na Roopay, Na Raykhay

Akarmang, Abharmang, Aganjay, Alaykhay


Invincible. Indestructible
Fearless. Everywhere.
Birthless. Forever.
Indestructible. In all things
Invincible. Indivisible
Invisible. Free of desire
Immortal. Kind
Unimaginable, Formless
Nameless, Desireless
Unfathomable. Harmless
Without a master. Destroyer of all
Beyond birth and death. Beyond silence
Beyond love itself. Beyond all colors
Formless. Beyond chakras
Beyond karma. Beyond doubt.
Beyond battles. Unimaginable


According to Spirit Voyage, “Chanting this mantra shifts your own vibration by bringing you into alignment with the qualities of the Divine and activating them to turn on inside of you.… a powerful mantra that can build your Radiant Body, activate your higher chakras, bring you out of depression and anger, and dissolve challenges in front of you”



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