Apas tattva

In yogic philosophy and the broader context of Ayurveda and Indian metaphysics, Apas Tattva (also spelled Apas Tatva or Aapas Tattva) refers to the water element. The term “Apas” means “water” in Sanskrit, and “Tattva” means “principle” or “element.” Apas Tattva is one of the five great elements (Pancha Mahabhutas) that compose the material world.


In yogic and spiritual contexts, Aradhana is a Sanskrit term that refers to devotion, worship, or the practice of spiritual disciplines aimed at realizing the divine or achieving a specific spiritual goal. It encompasses a broad range of practices that are performed with sincerity, dedication, and reverence.

Ardas Bhai


Ardas Bhaee Amar Das Guru,

Amar Das Guru, Ardas Bhaee

Ram Das Guru, Ram Das Guru,

Ram Das Guru, Sachee Sahee


In this mantra you pray (say an ardas) to Guru Amar Das and ask Guru Ram Das to confirm your prayer.


This mantra ensures that all needs are met and guarantees that prayer is heard. It frees you from difficult situations. Helps to unblock obstacles on the spiritual pa


A physical posture or pose in yoga, designed to strengthen and align the body.

Ashtang Mantra

Ashtang Mantra, in yogic and spiritual practices, refers to a specific type of mantra that encompasses eight key sounds or aspects, also known as “limbs” or beats. These mantras are designed to align the practitioner with higher states of consciousness and promote holistic well-being by balancing the mind, body, and spirit. The rhythm of the Kundalini naturally responds to the ashtang beat, with each part covering the spectrum of projected qualities of consciousness. Examples include “Ek Ong Kar Sat Naam Siri Wahe Guru” and “Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung,” which help cultivate deeper focus, inner peace, and spiritual growth.


In yogic philosophy, Atman is a Sanskrit term that refers to the inner self or soul, considered the true essence of an individual, distinct from the physical body and mind. The concept of Atman is central to many Indian spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is the essential Self, present within all creatures, and represents pure consciousness. The mind merely reflects this consciousness, and thus appears to be conscious.


Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. The term “Ayurveda” is derived from the Sanskrit words “Ayur,” meaning life, and “Veda,” meaning knowledge or science. Together, Ayurveda translates to “the science of life” or “the knowledge of longevity.”


An internal lock or contraction used in yoga to control and direct the flow of prana.

Bear Grip

Effects of Bear Grip:

Bear Grip is a powerful mudra that stimulates the heart and enhances concentration. It connects you to your heart chakra, the center of love, compassion, and empathy. This mudra promotes inner peace, emotional balance, and deeper connections with yourself and others.

How to do Bear Grip:

  1. Place the left palm facing out from the chest with the thumb down. Place the palm of the right hand facing the chest. 
  2. Bring the fingers together and curl the fingers of both hands so the hands form a fist.
  3. Place this mudra at the chest level

Variations: sometimes this mudra is placed at the navel center or above the head. 

Illustration of hands on beargripPosture for Bear Grip

Bhagavad Gita

A sacred Hindu scripture, part of the Mahabharata, that presents key teachings on yoga and dharma.

Bhaja Man Mere


Bhaja Man Mere Hari Ka Nam,
Hari Ka Nam Sat Nam


O my mind, vibrate the name of God
The name of the creative source
The true sound


It is a mantra that has the ability to calm the mind. It is a beautiful mantra, full of peace that when chanted, trains the mind to be calm.


Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga is a spiritual path in Hinduism that emphasizes the cultivation of love, devotion, and surrender to a personal deity or the divine. The term “bhakti” is derived from the Sanskrit word “bhaj,” which means “to worship” or “to adore.” Bhakti Yoga is considered one of the primary paths to spiritual realization and union with the divine.

Bhand Jammee-ai


Bhand jammee-ai

bhand nimmee-ai

bhand mangan vee-aaho.

Bhanda-ho hovai dos-tee

bhanda-hu cha-lai raahu.

Bhand mu-aa bhand bhaalee-ai

bhand hovai ban- dhaan.

So ki-o man-daa aakhee-ai jit ja-meh raa jaan.

Bhanda- ho hee bhand oop-jai, bhandai baajh na ko-ay.

Naanak bhandai baa-hraa ayko sachaa so-ay.

Naanak bhandai baa-hraa ayko sachaa so-ay.

Jit mukh sadaa salaa hee-ai bhaagaa ratee chaar.

Nanak tay mukh ooj – lay tit sa-chay dar-baar.


From woman man is born, within woman man is conceived.
The woman becomes his friend, through the woman future generations continue.
When the woman in a man’s life dies, he must look for another woman, because he is attached to the woman.
So why treat badly the one who gives life to kings?
From the woman the woman is born, without the woman there would be no one.
O Nanak, only the True Lord exists without woman.
The mouth that praises the Lord continually, is blessed and beautiful.
O Nanak, those faces will be radiant in the court of the True Lord.


Prayer to open to the divine feminine energy. It empowers women and gives them the dignity that is their birthright. It is for the woman who wants her prayers to bless her relationships, her family and her world.

Bij Mantra

Bij Mantra, also known as a seed mantra, is a single syllable or a short phrase that embodies a particular aspect of spiritual power or energy. In Sanskrit, “Bij” means seed, indicating that these mantras are like seeds from which spiritual qualities or powers can grow. In other words, the seed of the sound is planted in the unconscious. Example: Sat Naam

Bountiful, blissful & Beautiful (I am the light of the soul)


I Am The Light Of The Soul

I Am Bountiful

I Am Beautiful

I Am Bliss

I Am, I Am


I Am The Light Of The Soul

I Am Bountiful

I Am Beautiful

I Am Bliss

I Am, I Am


This mantra is for self-esteem and self-confidence.



Brahmacharya is a term in yoga and Hindu philosophy that generally refers to celibacy, particularly the practice of abstaining from sexual activity. However, the concept of Brahmacharya encompasses more than just physical celibacy; it also includes the moderation and control of all senses, including the mind.